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Educate. Empower. Experience.

We educate, empower and expose women to experiences that help them discover their God given identity & walk in purpose.



Our 10-week Queening It program for young women, along with workshops and seminars on relevant community topics


Unity Queen members are matched with a mentor to help them create a path from where they are now to where they want to be


Service projects, mission trips, and field trips allow for experiences that teach new skills, & expose participants to new opportunities


Support Unity Queens


We have a big vision for Unity Queens & can only accomplish it with the support of our community!


We Believe In



There is far too much division within the body of Christ - The Bible says we should share one heart, one mind and one spirit and look out for other’s needs. We aim for partnering instead of division, and hope to see the Queening It program offered at churches across the nation to ignite change. We strive to show both women and men that we are more alike than not.

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Meet the Board

Enroll Your Young Queen

As Featured on K104 and Smooth R&B 105.7.

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